Epiphany Investigations Logo

Inspired by detective movies and TV shows such as the BBC Sherlock Holmes TV Series and Jessica Jones, Epiphany Investigations is an adventure game where you take on the role of Erik Martinez, a cop turned PI who will investigate crimes happening around his hometown and stop those who are responsible.


Speaking with informants in Epiphany Investigations
Speaking with Lorenzo, the hot dog vendor


East Las Palmas — Once a small and culturally-rich city, it has now become the latest target of violence and corporate greed. Barely standing are the homes and small businesses that were owned by locals. The scenery is changing now that venture-backed start-ups are taking over. Citizens who once called this city their home can no longer afford to live here, and are slowly being replaced by those who have no appreciation of this living organism.


The locals have spoken: they will no longer tolerate change unless change benefits everyone in the community. But the newcomers have different ideas: how can we displace these nuisances who prevent us from expanding? Will Erik and Epiphany Investigations be able to do something about this?


Getting to know the locals
Swirling descriptors? Hmmm

What is Epiphany Investigations?

Epiphany Investigations is an adventure game set in the fictional city of East Las Palmas. It follows protagonist Erik Martinez, an ex-cop who left the force with some close friends to start a private investigation firm where they will use their skills to solve crimes, mysteries, and to uncover the occasional cheating spouse. 


Expect the majority of the action to come in the form of written text. This game doesn't focus on action, but rather on the stories that East Las Palmas has to tell: one case will have you investigating a kingpin of crime, while another will have you looking into the disappearance of the local homeless man from the corner. Some cases will also be more personal, as Erik defends issues that hit close to home.


Despite these sounding like heavy themes, Epiphany Investigations also has more light-hearted elements and a lot of cheese. As Erik spends more time with his partners, you as the player will get to know them better, and build a bond with them. Outside of the office, Erik will also meet a wide variety of characters who will have their own narratives. As the player, you can choose which of these stories you'd like to investigate further.


If you haven’t already, sign up for the newsletter below and follow on Twitter and Tumblr. More on Erik’s colleagues, tools, and special abilities (!?) in a future post, so stay tuned!


Can I just play it already?

As the sole developer at Kaiju Games, I'm still working on the game, but I hope that a demo can be ready by June or July, 2019 when I launch the Kickstarter for it. I will have more announcements in the months to come, but please, if you haven’t already, sign up for the newsletter below and follow on Twitter and Tumblr.


More on Erik’s colleagues, tools, and special abilities (!?) in a future post, so stay tuned!


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